Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My symbol

I made this symbol using rotating technique

Then I put them into a pattern

Symbol outline drawing

Original sushi symbol

Outlining process

Finished outline

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Elements of Design Assignment

Elements of Design Assignment: Define each of the Elements of Design with a short write up and find 5 visual examples for each to exemplify the element. Add a title for each element and post to your design blog. See example below...


 Colour occurs when light in different wavelengths strikes our eyes. Objects have no color of their own, but only the ability to reflect a certain wavelength of light back to our eyes. 
Colour can vary in differing circumstances. For example, grass can appear gray in the morning or evening or bright green at noon. Also, colors appear different depending on whether you view them under incandescent, florescent or natural sunlight. Colors also change according to their surroundings. 

Squares inside boxes are the same colour
I. Design using colour
II. Design using colour
III. Design using colour

IV. Design using colour
V. Design using colour
VI. Design using colour


A line is a form with width and length, but no depth. Artists use lines to create edges, the outlines of objects. A line is created by the movement of the artist's pen. 
It is also a mark used to define a shape or represent a contour. 

Depending on the direction of lines, different atmospheres are created.

Horizontal lines are serene, calm and quiet
Vertical lines suggest more of potential of movement
Diagonal lines strongly suggest movement and possess more feelings of vitality

 ** Contour and Gesture

Lines used to follow the edges of forms are called contour drawings

Design using contour lines
Design using contour lines
 Drawings which seem to depict more movement than actual outline are called gesture drawings.

Design using gesture lines
Design using gestural lines


The characteristic surface configuration of a thing and is also considered as an outline or contour. Sometimes shapes are assumed as  false appearances,  guises,  and ghostly forms.
Shapes are created to give a particular form of objects that are intended to be drawn.
Therefore a shape is an enclosed object. Shapes can be created by line, or by color and value changes which define their edges.

A shape created by different photographs

Design using shapes
Shape created by repetitive shapes
Design using different shapes
Design using shapes


The shape and structure of an object as distinct from its colour, texture, etc.. Form refers to the external outline of a thing. Form is the outline and structure of a thing as opposed to its substance. It also can be a mould, frame, etc., that gives shape to something. 

I. Interior design using various forms
II. Interior design using various forms
Building design using unique forms
Couch design using forms
Different use of forms


Texutre is the appearance and feel of a surface which is a rough or grainy surface quality.
We experience texture when we touch objects and feel their roughness, smoothness or patterns. Texture is created by varying the pattern of light and dark areas on an object. 

Various textures
Product design depicting texture of a car tire
Texture represented in floor design
Repetetive texture in wall design
Design using texture
Typography design using textures